April 11 2017: Version 3.0.6
Support for HESK 2.7.3
April 4 2017: Version 3.0.5
- BUGFIX: Fixed blank screen / 500 when trying to view a ticket
- BUGFIX: Fixed issue where wrong audit trail text was stored when changing status
April 3 2017: Version 3.0.4
- BUGFIX: Fixed issue where "More..." menu would escape the window on mobile devices by replacing it with a modal
- BUGFIX: Reply form position for customers is now displayed in the proper place
- BUGFIX: Fixed potention SQL injection vulnerabilities
- BUGFIX: Fixed issue where merging tickets would lose HTML formatting
- BUGFIX: Fixed issue where editing a ticket would lose checkbox custom field values
- BUGFIX: Fixed issue where links in ticket messages / replies would no longer be auto-generated when using rich text.
- BUGFIX: Fixed issue where calendar categories would reset when changing months (but the UI would remain the same)
- BUGFIX: Fixed issue where default values for text custom fields would be reset to the previous value
- BUGFIX: Fixed issue where the "Suggest Knowledgebase Articles" message would not work properly when using rich text
- BUGFIX: Fixed issue where emails were using the old status key instead of the properly localized text
- BUGFIX: Fixed issue where customers could not submit a reply when rich text was enabled
- BUGFIX: Fixed issue where the new event button was missing on the admin calendar
- Slight UI modification to admin ticket screen
January 7 2017: Version 3.0.3
- BUGFIX: Fixed issue where some updates would be ran multiple times
January 6 2017: Version 3.0.2
- BUGFIX: Fixed issue where a SQL error would occur when using email verification for tickets
- BUGFIX: Fixed issue where checkbox custom field were not being properly validated
January 4 2017: Version 3.0.1